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Background of the study: The phenomena of procreation assures the existence and continuation of a country. However, the manner in which married parents raise their children is a critical factor in deciding the caliber of the persons who comprise a given society. It is disheartening to realize that the juvenile cases and other social vices that define our society today may be traced back to poor child practices in several households (Ogundele* and Ojo). Children who grew up in such households were abused, abandoned, or subjected to various forms of maltreatment. They were subsequently hardened and became burdens rather than advantages for the community. The prevalence of child abuse and neglect in Nigeria has reached a concerning and frightening level today (Semenitani, 1998). Children are considered as God's most treasured gifts. It is shocking and regrettable that young children are subjected to abuse and neglect.

The most widespread kind of child abuse is neglect, which may be physical, emotional, or educational and can be purposeful or accidental. Children suffer from a variety of sorts of abuse, including child marriage, molestation, child labour, kidnapping, and neglect, among others (Olusegun, Olaitan O. and Idowu, Amos 2016). The maltreatment of children by people entrusted with their care has been identified as a serious issue in child rearing in society. In Nigeria, like in the rest of the globe, child abuse and neglect are pervasive problems.

The Nigerian Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act of 1995 defined child abuse as any action by a parent, guardian, caregiver, other family member, or other adult that endangers or hinders a child's physical or emotional health or development. When an adult mistreats or ignores a child, this is considered child abuse. The offender misappropriates his position of trust and power (Mba 2002). This may be a parent, legal guardian, paid caregiver, or sibling. Children rely on adults for protection, support, and survival assistance. Their feeling of security is abused by abuse. It also increases the likelihood that they will be abused and exploited in the future. Child abuse is a crime of silence. It may occur in many cultures, social levels, and religions, although it is now understood that it does not affect all groups equally (Fryer 1990). It is a tragic irony that many child abusers really care about their children, yet are unable to deal with life circumstances beyond their control. In light of the aforementioned, the purpose of this research is to explore the crime of child abuse in Nigeria.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The issue of child abuse is one of the gravest in Nigeria and the whole globe. The issue of child abuse is a big worry for the governments of several nations throughout the globe due to the assumption that it has far-reaching effects on society. As a consequence of this problem, a large number of media outlets, academics, and people from all walks of life have been tasked with explaining and examining the topic of child abuse, with a focus on its origins and methods for eradicating the problem. Urban children are immediately drawn into the everyday battle for survival and monetary gain. Child abandonment, sexual abuse, child neglect, kidnapping, and hawking were the most often reported kinds of child abuse and neglect, according to a scenario analysis (Ebigbo 1989). Depending on the population of abusers being studied, it is known that abusive and neglectful behavior is caused by a variety of factors, including poverty, poor housing, unemployment, marital strife, alcoholism, difficult pregnancy and delivery, lack of knowledge of child development, and many others. However, this topic has gotten little attention in recent years, necessitating the necessity for this study to analyze the crime of child abuse in Nigeria utilizing Port Harcourt, River State as a case study.

1.3 Objective of the study

The broad objective of the study is to investigate the crime of child abuse in Nigeria using Port Harcourt, River State. Specifically, the study will:

  1. Investigate the dimension of child abuse crime in Nigeria.

  2. Examine causes of child Abuse crime in Nigeria.

  3. Determine the consequence of Abuse on the child.

1.4 Research Questions

  1. What are the  the dimension of child abuse crime in Nigeria ?

  2. What are causes of child Abuse crime in Nigeria?

  3. What are  the consequence of Abuse on the child?

1.5 Significance of the study

The purpose of the study is to give evidence and identify patterns of child abuse crime and neglect in order to provide suggestions and recommendations that will help bring the level up to date. This study would be of enormous use to parents, low-level educator counselors, and children. This study's findings and recommendations will go a long way toward assisting parents and guidance counselors in understanding the impact of irritating repetitions or actions on youth and children or young people, be it economically, psychologically, or socially. This will enable parents and adults to make necessary adjustments to ensure the healthy development of children. It will also address the practical challenge that, if left unaddressed, would threaten the entire foundation of civilized ethics. This is an audacious effort to address a dearth of literature in this field.

1.7 Scope of the study

The scope of this study borders on  an investigation into the crime of child abuse in Nigeria.  The study will investigate dimension of child abuse crime and consequence of Child Abuse crime. The study is however  is delimited Port Harcourt, River State.

1.8 Limitation of the study

Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. The significant constraint was the scanty literature on the subject owing to the nature of the discourse thus the researcher incurred more financial expenses and much time was required in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection, which is why the researcher resorted to a limited choice of sample size. Additionally, the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. More so, the choice of the sample size was limited  as few respondent were selected to answer the research instrument hence cannot be generalize to other sector of the economy. However, despite the constraint  encountered during the  research, all factors were downplayed in other to give the best and make the research successful.


Child: Child is defined as a dependent person in the custody of a parent or guardian for protection of his/her life.

Abuse: Is any deliberate act by a person: group of person of society designed to inflict on a child or parent normal, mental physical, emotional and normal development.

Neglect: This usually occurs when families fail on their own part to provide the necessary need fro their children such as food, medical care or being deprived of essential need of life or it is a situation were one show a sign of suffering or lack of care and attention.

Child care: This is care which is supposed to be given to children by those who are responsible for looking after them provide them with child care facilities.

Child Abuse: Those are cruel treatment of children by adult involving violence or sexual activities which is capable of affecting physically, mentally and psychologically.
